A Closer Look at What Happens When You Type https://www.google.com  in your browser and Press Enter

A Closer Look at What Happens When You Type https://www.google.com in your browser and Press Enter

DNS request

  • When you type in https://www.google.com and press enter, the first step is initiating a Domain Name System (DNS) request. This process involves translating the human-readable domain name "google.com" into a numerical IP address that the computer can understand.


  • The next step in the process is establishing a connection using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). This enables data to be transmitted reliably between the client (your computer) and the server (Google's website).


  • Once the connection is established, the data passes through a firewall, which acts as a security measure to protect against unauthorized access and potential threats.


  • As the data continues its journey, it is encrypted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocols. This encryption ensures that the information exchanged between your computer and the website remains secure and private.


  • The data then reaches a load-balancer, which distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers. This helps ensure optimal performance and prevent any one server from becoming overwhelmed with requests.

Web server

  • After passing through the load-balancer, the data arrives at a web server, which hosts the website's content and processes requests from users' browsers.

Application server

  • The application server comes next in the chain, handling the dynamic content and logic of the website. This server executes scripts, interacts with databases, and generates personalized responses for users.


  • Finally, the data travels to the database, where information is stored and retrieved as needed. This component plays a crucial role in ensuring that the website can access and deliver the right content to users in a timely manner.

Next time you type in https://www.google.com and press enter, remember the intricate series of steps that take place behind the scenes to deliver the information you seek. It's a fascinating journey through the inner workings of the internet!